A few of you have been asking, so here's a recent pic of the growing bump.
in case you were wondering
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
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She's a girl!
Well, assuming our ultrasound tech lady is as proficient as we think she is, we'll be having a GIRL! It was pretty amazing to watch the little form come up on the screen. You can totally see the spine, arm and leg bones, hands and feet. We'll find out next week if everything looks as it should. (But we didn't see any third arms, so don't worry grandparents!)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
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Sweet Potato
Well...here we are at week 18. In 2 days we'll (Lord-willing) discover the sex of our little sweet potato.
Holly's been feeling fine and we're past the morning (and afternoon and evening) sickness... which is awesome.
I still have a few weeks to finish one distance class and do a bunch of reading. No job news yet either.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
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7 years
There's a story in the Bible that describes how the people of Israel ought to treat each other. It's not so much a story as a law... but the point is the same. Every 7th year, the people are to forgive each other their debts. There's no limit to this forgiveness... you are free to be as generous as you can be. God's law was not to have debts repaid before the 7th year, or get people out of debt -- but to teach his people extraordinary love.
Yesterday, we celebrated 7 years of marriage.
7 years of laughing, crying, traveling and loving. 7 years of preparing for many more. I asked Holly what if she had any special highlights along the way. Her answer: "Right now."
I don't think she was referring to our dinner on the porch overlooking Salem Harbor... but of a world of uncertainties that awaits us as parents. It's exhilarating and petrifying, but right now is the moment to live in. Right now is the year of extraordinary love - forgiveness, freedom and joy.
I think this is what God was trying to communicate to his people. "You are a people of a generous Covenant. Loved by me - your Creator. Be generous to one another and be my symbols of promise so that the world might know me."
Thankfully, marriage is teaching me this.
Thankfully I know an extraordinary love in her... someone who is Jesus to me every day.
Monday, August 11, 2008
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travel recap (sorry, it's kinda long)
So, I kinda forgot to update you on our travels. The trip a couple of weeks ago was definitely a whirlwind. We started our trip with a 7-hour delay in Boston. Yikes. Let's just say that 7 hours in Logan Airport...not my favorite thing.
Two babies totaled 23 pounds! Double YIKES.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
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This week...
In keeping with last week...
Yes, that's an avocado. If it were Dominican, it would be bigger. And just in case you're wondering if the little fruit could taste it, in week 16 the taste buds are forming.
Also, if you're worried that our blog will become overly consumed with fetus-related information... don't be. But a once-a-week fruit might be a fun way for us all to watch the little one grow.
Thursday, August 07, 2008
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