Well, the move to Beantown has begun. Sort of. As we speak, most of our belongings reside in a storage unit. Other than that, our necessities (and things that would otherwise melt in storage) are residing in "the poolhouse." Now, it's not really a poolhouse seeing as there is no pool; it's more of a reference to Gilmore Girls when Rory lived in her grandparents' poolhouse. You know...ritzy neighborhood where the garage is nicer than anything I've ever parked my car in.
Why are we staying in the poolhouse? Well, we decided to try our hand at landlording. Nothing like having to watch over some stranger living in your house while you're states away, right? Actually, we decided to hang on to the house while we're gone. We found some great renters who are going to take care of the house while we build equity. Nice. But we had to get out so that they could get in. Thursday. June 1. We aren't ready to move to Boston, so it's goodbye Normandy, hello poolhouse.
It's been exactly three years since we moved in. Wow. We love that house. We will miss it. We're grateful for the wonderful memories we will always have.
Our house
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
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One last jump off a building
I suppose it was a decent ending to a five-year saga. For us it basically began and ended with a group of friends who all speculated over who was really good or bad, who was really dead or alive, or what in the world does launching missiles have anything to do with a 500-year old prophecy? (okay, that last part only came last night.)
This last show was supposed to answer all the questions. And perhaps it did. Was it all about immortality? power? faith? Now, I suppose, we'll never really understand what any of it meant... (Probably because it never meant anything.)
I guess my real theory has nothing to do with the story, but more that the writers ran out of ways to prolong a rediculously long artifact hunt. Now they can focus on confusing the heck out of people who watch "Lost". (like us.)
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
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Traffic update
An update regarding the "Traffic" post.
Click here when you're ready for the most exciting thing to hit the morning airwaves.
Thanks BC!!
Friday, May 19, 2006
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During my time at UNC, I (along with countless others) began to take note of the seemingly endless squirrel population on campus. Not only was there an abundance of squirrels, they were also fearless. Maybe even predatory. Eventually, Christy, Kristi (2), and I decided that the squirrels were on a quest to take over the world. AND, that there was really only one squirrel. His name is Bob. We call him the SQUIRRELMASTER. He has many clones who are all programmed to throw acorns and chase students. His headquarters is on the 9th floor of Davis Library, although he may have moved since it was renovated.
Recently, Bob and Bob showed up at my house. A few days ago, Justin was sitting by the window. He happened to notice some activity going on outside in the yard. See the video below for your enjoyment.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
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UNC Reunion
We had a glorious few hours bonding with friends. Jason and Carla are moving here to Winston. Dennis and Lisa are moving to another country. Holly and I will be leaving sometime in July. Interesting how we're just missing each other!
Saturday, May 13, 2006
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For my posting debut, I would like to call to your attention something that has troubled me for some time. Most mornings (when I wake up on time), I turn on the morning news on my favorite local channel. I enjoy the local headlines and the weather report, then on to the Today Show! Anyway, a few months ago, the traffic reporter went on to bigger and better things and the station hired a new girl. On her first newscast, she managed to stumble through the update letting us know that the roads were okay. I didn't think too much about it since it was her first day and quite possibly her first job. Everybody gets nervous. I mean, 30 seconds is important.
However, as the days and weeks progressed, I noticed that "traffic girl" is really bad at reporting. I thought the kicker was the day she referred to someone as a "moron." No, I'm not kidding. She said that roads were looking good all morning, "until some MORON ran into another MORON, but everyone is okay." Seriously?!?
Believe it or not, today's newscast wins the award for worst EVer. It's 8am and the main guy gives us the headlines, then heads over to "Jane" with traffic. Then, I hear her say, "I've been practicing and here's my rap." Yes, I said rap. She proceeds to rap the entire traffic report complete with gangsta-like hand motions. Then, when it's time to cut over to "Alex" with the weather report, she refers to him as a "weather girl" immediately followed by a "yeah boooy." Needless to say, weather guy corrects her. "By the way, that's 'weather guy'." Ouch.
At 8:30, when the local news returns, I'm obviously anxious to see if she will give us an encore. No such luck. But who knows what tomorrow may bring...
Monday, May 08, 2006
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Oh! That's where you can buy that.
Perhaps I’m a little unsure what Crunk Juice is, but apparently you can by it by the gallons at Home Depot. I found this little treasure in the paint department, right the middle of the paint thinner section.
Friday, May 05, 2006
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Today, Justin turned 28. His thoughts on the day have been recorded below:
- “Even numbers are good.”
- “To celebrate, I’d like to have 28 shots of ice cream”
- “If you think about it, I’m just turning 7…for the 4th time.”
- “The closer I get to 30, the more people want to know when kids are coming.”
- “Being born on ‘Cinco de Mayo’ Eve means I am a true party animal.”
- “3 words: High School Reunion”
Perhaps he will grace us with more thoughts later.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
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Where is it?
I don't even know what this is called, but it seems to be a crowd favorite here at the house. Have you seen these? They're awesome. Squishy. Stretchy. Squeeze it. Throw it. Stick it on the ceiling. Whatever.
And I can't seem to find it right now...
Monday, May 01, 2006
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