Gone in the morning

Don't tell them we're leaving. I'm not sure they can handle it.

In the mean time, we covet your prayers. Tomorrow we board our plane to the Dominican Republic where we will be for a month. Pray for our safety and health. Pray for the 12 high school and college students who will be joining us as we serve the weekly teams from the US. Pray for opportunities to be lights in a dim place. Pray for our hearts to be changed, so that we grow up just a little bit more and somehow become more like the Savior.

I leave you with this one thought from God himself:

    "Look among the nations! Observe! Be astonished! Wonder! Because I am doing something in your days-- You would not believe if you were told" Habakkuk 1:5
It is this thought which keeps us humble in these days... that we are not the One doing anything. God has been strategizing and planning. Preparing our team for a month of service, preparing Dominicans to minister to us, preparing our passions. You see -- He's been doing this among "the nations" for thousands of years and yet it still holds a majestic, overwhelming reality, as if He just started today. God's heart is for the nations. May His heart be found in us.


Andrew said...

Yessssss, love it! Just got back from Nepal and India...I could say a million things about how God works in the world. It's just beyond our understanding and a beautiful story when He lets us in on glimpses of it.