Now that Tessa is becoming more playful, we've started singing songs and playing little games with her. However, in the process Justin and I have come to realize that we need to brush up on our nursery rhymes and children's songs. Why? Here's my version of "Patty Cake."
Patty cake
Patty cake
Baker's man
Bake me a cake as fast as you can
Roll 'em up
Roll 'em up
Throw 'em in the pan!
After doing this several times, I realized there's something wrong with this and it makes absolutely no sense. So, as with all things I don't know, I google it. Apparently, there are lots of versions, but mainly one. And nowhere does it say "Roll 'em up, roll 'em up, throw 'em in the pan."
Mother Goose, visit the Lewis house soon. We need some help.
nursery rhymes for dummies
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
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3 months
So, another blog I follow is documenting her baby's growth as compared to a stuffed animal. I thought it was a good idea, so I'm totally copying...
And, check out Tessa's latest fashion accessory.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
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what's so funny?
this is perhaps the most awesome thing ever. (but then again, i'm slightly biased)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
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Easter weekend
After a few rough days and nights of little sleep, we managed to make it to church on Easter Sunday. Tessa was in her first Easter dress (thanks, Aunt Irma) hamming it up with her church family as we celebrated the risen Jesus. Later that day, we headed to Nana and Grandpaw's house
to celebrate his 68th birthday. Of course, we had to
take a few photos by the tulips. And my mom pulled out a pic from my first Easter (I was about 6 months old). We took a pic of Tessa's Easter pic beside mine. Amazing, huh?
Then, on Monday, our friends, Christy, Owen, and Charlotte came to visit. We had a blast, though it was crazy at times with 3 adults, a 3-year-old, 2 2+-month-old babies, and 2 dogs. It was so fun to enjoy time with our friends who we see too little of in the first place. One of my favorite moments was getting up in the morning to feed Tessa and Owen would come in the nursery and lay in the floor because he didn't want to go back to bed. Eventually, he would come into our bedroom with us after Tessa was back to sleep. He would snuggle in the bed for a few minutes only to wake and proclaim, "The sun's out!" meaning...get up you guys!!!
We visited the Ledfords on Tuesday and it was so great to swap stories of being a mom. (Justin stayed home and enjoyed a little break from the action.) After much playing by Thad, Hudson, and Owen and a couple naps for Charlotte and Tessa, we headed home for Taco Night and American Idol. We were all exhausted and went to bed without much fuss. We were sad to see the Alleys go yesterday and hope to see them again soon. You could even bring Will along next time! (If only he didn't have important things to do like saving lives...)
Thursday, April 16, 2009
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cookies, books, and friends
Tessa sure has had a fun past few days. She received a few great packages in the mail. First, a box of cookies from the Yandles. Then, several books from the Amazing Baby collection.
Our friend, Maryanne, really likes hers, so Nana Norma bought some for T. I know she's going to love reading them soon.
And this weekend, Becky flew down from MA for a quick visit to meet her niece. We had a great time chatting, shopping, and then grilling and cheering on the Tarheels!
The most exciting thing happened this morning. I had just come back from taking Becky to the airport. Tessa was sitting by the front door looking at the sunlight coming through the glass. I went over to say hi and she returned the greeting with lots of smiles and her first laugh! It was by far the best part of my day. We tried to get her to laugh again on film, but no such luck. Maybe next time. You'll have to settle for her just talking for now. :-)
Sunday, April 05, 2009
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