attempt #2: california roll

I tried again. It was a better rolling experience, but I still need to work on the rice to nori ratio. Also, I could use a better knife. My cheap-o ones aren't cutting it. ;-)

Inside-out, outside-in, what's your sushi preference?


mandy said...

they look good to me! but i've only had my hands on sushi once in my life.... and i'm not planning on eatin' it again anytime soon.

but, hey, i've got SPRING ROLLS to satisfy my asian needs!!!!!
lemme know if you want the recipe.

Unknown said...

yummy! they look delicious.. makes me wanna make a trip up there even more just so you can cook for me!! hehe.. miss you guys & the doggies!!

love you

Anonymous said...

boy, i wish our blog got a fraction of the comments you get in one day on your blog. got any advice? maybe we should just do something cool like make sushi...