The past month has flown by! Tessa has started doing some fun things...eating solids (rice cereal and oatmeal), rolling over from tummy to back, babbling ("deedeedee dadada"), screeching (we'll show you a video soon), and sleeping from 8pm or so until 6 or 7 in the morning (yeeessssssssss...). Her personality is showing through more and more each day. She loves to play and laugh. She likes playing peek-a-boo and standing in her johnny-jump-up. I can't believe it's been 5 months since she showed up and changed our lives forever.
5 months
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
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We do lots of laundry these days. Mostly it's due to Tessa's diapers, but between the 3 of us, we go through alot of clothes and towels too. As I toted the laundry basket up and down the stairs today I realized that if I used the big basket, I could accomplish toting Tessa too! She seemed to be okay with it. What do you think?
Monday, June 22, 2009
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un regalo para T
In January, the annual Mission Emanuel Women's Trip was held in the DR. This is the first time in 3 years I've missed that trip. I knew the women would be working on an embroidery project that week and had even seen some pictures of them in action. But little did I know that they were actually working on something for me. At a recent reunion of the group from Winston, I was blessed with a gift for Tessa.
Each of the patches was made by one of the women in the group. I know many of them personally and they are dear to my heart. Seeing their names and handiwork on the quilt is so special. I cannot wait for Tessa to meet her Dominican family!!!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
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Sweet T
The long-awaited installment of T's fascinating (and fascinated) moments:
Enchanting isn't she?
By the way, welcome to the I-Have-A-Daughter Club, Beahms and Drakes! I expect your videos soon.
Not much else going on. I (Justin) might have a job update soon... for now, please keep us in your prayers as we wait.
Monday, June 15, 2009
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Tessa has a new friend. He doesn't have a name yet. We just call him "froggie" or her "lovey." We just started to put him in the crib with her when she sleeps. Apparently, it can be good for babies to attach to something other than Mom or Dad. I think she likes him.
We actually have several of these small blankets with stuffed animal heads. Two frogs, two bunnies, two bears. Each one is slightly different, but the same concept. I'm hoping she'll be happy with all of them and not settle on just one. If not, we'll be scouring stores and the internet for several extras in the inevitable case that we lose one at some point in the next few years. (Speaking of which, Christy told me that there are mean people out there who buy up all of these things and then resell them on eBay for insane amounts of money. They know that desperate parents will pay anything to replace their child's closest friend). Anyway, I had to wash the frog yesterday and she seemed just as happy with the bunny.
Did you have a lovey as a child? I had "Elephant" and a blanket. Elephant is still around I think at my mom's house. The blanket is long gone. Not sure if Justin had anything when he was little. Probably a GI Joe or Transformer.
Friday, June 05, 2009
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